Thursday, February 28, 2019

I've been soul searching as I begin to build this blog. My focal point of interest is: how do we get anything done in town without it devolving into a big "political" fight? How do we commission and build multiple public art pieces? How do we resolve a looming City budget crisis? How do we build a lot more housing even though it will increase traffic? How do we preserve what makes Petaluma great while building a city that will work well in the year 2040? How do we get there? By what process?

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A look at the public art installation being planned for Petaluma, CA. It's called "Fine Balance".
Welcome to the "P-Town Post" blog. This is the beginning.

I am fascinated with urban planning, architecture and construction. Almost all of my life, I have been involved with old house renovation. These are topics that I like to think, write and talk about.

Secretly, I have a deeper agenda. I guess I'm a "glass is half full" kind of guy. These days, it seems like there are a lot of loud voices about how the "glass is empty." I've been willing to keep quiet about it, mostly. But not so much anymore.

The glass is at least half full. More accurately, it is over-flowing. Never has there been a better time than today for more humans on the planet than now. There is enough food for everyone. There is enough water for everyone. We have the ability to build a sustainable living system on this planet for all the people who are here now and for all the people who will be born for the next century.

I know, I know. "We are all stuck on this big rock hurtling through space and we are all going to die." I got that. But what should we do in the meantime?

I say, let's work together to build the town of our dreams. Let's make it work -- well -- for all the people who live here now and for all the people who will be moving here.

Yes, the population will continue to grow. Yes, traffic will get thicker. Yes, our town is already a desirable magnet that many new people will want to come enjoy and live in. Our resources are not scarce. They are plentiful. How big and how beautiful can we dream, plan and build?

This is "a positive vision conversation."

Teddy Herzog